Amaria Saveria de Conte Seville, Dr. Lazarus Larabena Nostradamus Rescue Stone


I too received a "free" offer of the "Nostradamus Rescue Stone" from Amaria Saveria de Conte Seville. It was a meteorite fragment from Nostradamus' day, turned into a pendant, supposedly.

What I received was a polished piece of Hematite, together with a cock-and-bull story about a problem with the "Adaptation Process" for my particular stone, which made it really special. Oh, and a bill for $29.

There was an nebulous undertaking to help the Nostradamus Family at some point in the future, but this hardly constitutes a promise to honor an undeclared $35 payment for a free item. I thought it was a marketing ploy (boy, was it!)

Anyway, I sent a letter to Jupiter, which appears to be the company behind this little scheme. I pointed out that they had made a mistake, sending a piece of polished Hematite in place of the meteorite fragment promised.

Company: Jupiter
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Buffalo
Address: PO Box 1640
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Amaria Savaria de Conte Seville
Dr. Lazarus Scam Artist, Prays on the elderly & gullible

They have billed me twice for a Nostradamus Rescue Stone

Web Ventures LLC
RipOff Nostradamus Code: World War III

Charged me for a service that I did not request

Web Ventures LLC, Nostradamus Online
False advertisement of thickness of the book. Never returns emails nor phone calls

Anastasia or Jupite
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Diamond Nexus Labs
Scratches on the surface

Global Stone Trading
Marblewarehouse.com Hamid Bahrami Unauthorized charges, steal your money and ship worthless junk

Elliot Stone
Elliot H Stone, Stone Law Firm in San Diego, Stone Law Firm in OC, Stone Law Firm in Phoenix I worked for Elliot Stone as an Independent Contractor Web Designer for 3 weeks and he did NOT pay me! |