Anastasia or Jupite
Consumer Report


The form made me fill in a monetary amount altho I did not lose it as I will explain. I get this odd letter from Anastasia (freaky looking lady) like she knows me. Says I have the particular qualities she needs for me and a few others to help her with something and there's $120,000 for each of us who will help her. Send in the form if I'm interested. So I do and get the next letter about how she and a few select people (me and others) will need to do a se'ance pretty soon. She has a wealthy client who is dying soon and desperately wants to connect with his dead mother before he dies. So on a certain day at a certain time (I thought it was quaint how she did not mention time zones so even if such a thing was supposed to work we might have all been doing it at a different time! Ha ha!) After a successful seance, this client was to pay each of us $120,000. Here's the money catch. To do this seance, we each needed to lay a Korsokov stone on a piece of foil and focus on it at the appointed time. If you don't have this very special stone return this form and you don't have to pay for it until you receive it. So I sent it in. I get what appears to be an ordinary polished rock. I still have some polished rocks I did as a kid and it looks familiar. I find one of mine that looks very much like it. So I returned their stone, telling them I finally found mine (that I'd forgotten where I'd put it). Later I got an invoice that I needed to pay for the stone within 7 days. I returned it to them 12-2-11 telling them I'd returned it to them 10-27-11 USPS certified and they received it 10-31-11. On 12-23-11 I wrote to Anastasia asking where my $120,000 was. (Can you believe I actually sat at a table at the appointed time and stared at this rock sitting on a piece of foil??? Me neither. But desperation gets to you.) I have never heard from her. She was to contact me after the seance about the dispersion of the money - not a word. What a bunch of frauds. And I'm STUPID! I did not actually lose this monetary amount but surely would have without certified proof of returning a dumb rock. I just wanted to warn others.

Company: Anastasia or Jupite
Country: USA
City: John Virgin Islands
ZIP: 00831-0409
Address: PO Box 409 PMB No 045 St
Phone: 2072620199, 8003563130, 85281703935
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Consumer Report

Charged me for a service that I did not request

Continental Jewlery
Dishonest about Return Policy

Amaria Saveria de Conte Seville, Dr. Lazarus Larabena Nostradamus Rescue Stone

The Diamond Shop
Gem stone valued for 10% of paid amt

Jewelry exchange villa park, il
Bad customer service, questionable diamond stone that was purchased

Diamond Nexus Labs
Scratches on the surface

Just Live Rock

Diamond Nexus Labs
Stay away from these stones, they are not a bargain

Jared Galleria of Jewelers
1 ct Diamond replaced with a fake!