Military Star Card credit reporting, collections fraud


When we moved we called AAFES to change our address. It was not changed. We did not received a bill while we were in Michigan or in the following 6 months in Missouri. While in Missouri we went again and made a change of address because the store could not give us a detailed bill. We wanted to pay but wanted a detailed bill first. Once again no response. We moved one more time and as soon as we arrived to Washington we wnt to AAFES on McChord Air Force Base and requested to pay the bill in full even though we had not received to that date a detailed bill statement. That is all we wanted because the amount they told us on thephone that was due was too large... That is obviously after all those months of late fees. We wanted our balance to be zero and did not want to deal anymore with AAFES. We paid in full with a check.

Few months later we tried to return an item at the store and were told our account was delinquent and could not make a return. We call several numbers and then after initiating an investigation on this matter we were sent a letter from a collection compan, OSI, billing us for the amount of 236.00 because we owed AAFES $187.00. If the account was paid in full and the card never used again how can they bill us $187.00.

OSI wanted their money and we denied paying them. We provided proof to AAFES of the payment and were told this would be resolved. This was in Mid 2001.

At the end of 2001 we got a credit report and there was the balance was $187.00 on AAFES account. We started a dispute with each Credit report Agency and sent proof of the payment of the debt. We did not get the issue resolved and AAFES said it would take few months to clear.

Now is 2002 and we got another credit report but this tiime is worse. Now it shows not only an account for 187.00 but also another account with the initial amount we paid in full. It shows not even a payment to AAFES. And it also reports as a charge off!!!
We have contacted AAFES several times and we have not received a response. We faxed the information they wanted and nothing yet... So all we have left to do is to make an IG complaint...

Company: Aafes
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
Phone: 8005276789
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