Magic Jack
Magic Jack quality downward slide


Magic Jack promised to be the convenient economical alternatives to many internet based phone services. The user pays a one time hardware fee of $39.95 and there after a $19.95 annual fee for free US and Canadian calls.

The problem is, the service can be at times spotty - that's compared to a Skype software installed on the same computer.

The worst part is, it is going down hill, things are getting worse and worse. Dialing nowadays is a hit or miss. Calls get dropped. When I signed up, they said I'll be able to change my number for free once; now, there is a $4.95 for the first time (I wish I had changed it before the policy change). The company is not holding up their end of the bargain.

Skype on the other hand has been working just fine on the same computers. I just put in money for my Skype credit, cause I can't make calls from the Magic Jack even if it is free (and I am a engineer with knowledgable in networking and software).

I am disappointed at Magic Jack. Feels like they had let me down. I feel sorry for recommending it to some of my friends before.

Company: Magic Jack
Country: USA
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