Magic Jack
Moslty fine - Allof the above


I've had my magicJack for only about a month. So far it's worked pretty well. I would rather have a modem phone like Vonage (or another) only because I just moved to another country and only have a laptop. I'm typically balancing my laptop on my lap:) and it's weird having the magicJack sticking out of the laptop. I have to be careful since it seems pretty easily breakable.

So, with my old-ish laptop (2gb ram) though it works as well as expected. I also have 2Mbps internet which normally tests around 1-1.3Mbps and I'm going through wireless and am usually doing other things on my computer. When I have a call, if I try to do too much on the computer then the call breaks up. Of course sharing the bandwith is not ideal so just close things or don't click a bunch of stuff.

If you live in a country where calls to the US are exorbitant like I do then it's well worth it. It's not too bad if I just get voicemails sometimes or can't always call someone when I need to. If I really had to contact my family and the magicJack wasn't working, I'd just Top Up my mobile and use that.

My biggest negative so far is the physical quality of the product. It seems really easy to break and I wish it were more durable.

Company: Magic Jack
Country: USA
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Beware of magicJack if you are trying to use it with a wireless pc card

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