Scam company


This is in regards to a company called Scamstoppers aka registration name "9227-1915 Quebec Inc. The owner of this company goes by the name of Robert Duskes, alias name is Robert Bradley. He has a website called "". It is ironic the choice of company name used, since this is a scam website and company. The site has been copied directly from another website " The aim of the bogus website is to call up the payables department of companies and offering them to take over any old overdue accounts for a low fee with a promise that the amounts owing will be reduced to zero, thus complete cancellation of any fees owing. Robert Duskes, records all the pertaining information needed and then makes harrassing and threatening calls to the companies, and/or faxes them too. He threatens by the statement of " I herby give you twenty-four hours to cancel any outstanding invoices (company or owner name is mentioned) has with your company and to send a letter of closure from your company or any other company stating you will never contact (above mentioned co and/or owner name) again. If this letter is not received within twenty four hours, i will contact U.S. Postal Inspector, Attorney General, BBB, phone busters, and RCMP" It is very curious that Robert Duskes who by the way mentions his name is that, would mention RCMP, which we believe is the Canadian version of our FBI, and also that in his faxes he signs his name as Robert Bradley. We did our own research and found out the company is a registered company in the province of Quebec in Canada, business address; 1434 Rue Sainte Catherine Ouest. As well his personal address is listed as 4570 Saint Kevin, apt. 11, Montreal, Quebec. On his faxes, however, the company address is listed in a different country under 1324 Lexington Avenue, #286, New York, Ny 10128, phone 888-315-5770, fax-888-315-5320. Robert Duskes has been persistent with his threatening phone calls and faxes. So far our workplace has received 2 letters via fax and 4 phone calls, all within two business days. On the phone, Robert Duskes, is very bold and arrogant. We called one of the customers to whom he is claiming that they owe us no money and they stated that he is representing himself as a Complaints Officer who offers them cancellation of invoices owed for a fee of under half the actual amount owed. Obviously, this is a very unproffesional way of doing business and in our calculation real fraud. Robert Duskes is interfering with legitimate businesses affairs. We are now in the situation of having to convince clients who were contacted by Robert Duskes, alias, Robert Bradley, that he and his company is the actual scammer and not us. We therefore, want to post this information, in hopes that this will halt Mr. Robert Duskes's fraudulant business practices and also to prevent other legitimate businesses from being scammed by him.

Company: Scamstoppers
Country: USA
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