Melinda Smetzer
Smetzer Virtual Solutions Not working for free. Ripped off. Not pay. Not nice. Would you like to work for free


I worked for the Company in good faith and even though I was going through a difficult time in my life. I expected to get paid.
I left due to a domestic problem and fled my home for a safe haven.

The check which is due and owed for hours worked is @150.00 US
To some it might not seem much. To me since I am living on some ones good graces, means a lot.

I do not have a difficult attitude an usually positive about work, please pay the hours owed.

Company: Melinda Smetzer
Country: USA
Phone: 7144422734413
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Willoughby Printing
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Sealmaxx, Dennis Smetzer
Does NOT meet payroll

South Fla Limos
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Maine Virtual Solutions, Ann Strout
WARNING: she will rip you off

The Home Depot, #2903, Michael Cain
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HMS Host
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E. Leaven Food Company
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