Credit Answers, LLC
They collected $11,000 in fees up front, did absolutely NOTHING, forcing me to file bankruptcy


They promised an affordable payment. My payment was not affordable. The amount that they estimated I would need to save over four years would never have been enough to pay my creditors. Their staff was not properly trained and were inexperienced. They were severely understaffed, making it impossible to reach them at times. My settlement coached changed constantly. They recommended I apply for a mortgage modification through their company, for which I was denied. That was another $300. They collected $11,000 in fees up front for which they did nothing. I was being sued by Discover and was forced to file bankruptcy.

Company: Credit Answers, LLC
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Plano
Address: 6200 Tennyson Parkway Suite 200
Phone: 8009776625
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Credit Answers, LLC
Promised an affordable payment. My payment was not affordable

United Settlement Group
Up Front Payments = Rip Off

Ocwen Federal Bank
Ripoff, FORCED TO FILE BANKRUPTCY TWICE, They claimed I was 6 months behind

Affordable Legal Document Assistance - AFFORDABLE PRO SE ASSISTANT Is A Complete Scam!
Affordable Legal Document Assistance - Affordable Pro Se Assistance Is A Complete Scam! Affordable Legal Document Assistance Or AFFORDABLE PRO SE ASSISTANT Is A Complete Scam! A Complete Scam My Bankruptcy Was Dismissed!

Allegro Law, LLC, Americorp
Huge scam - promised to settle my debts for 50% or less and did nothing but take my money

Homecomings Financial
My payment increase $350.00 dollars forcing us into chapter 13 bankruptcy. Now that we are in bankruptcy the payment has dropped

Owcen Federal Bank FSB
Fees added so high forced back into bankruptcy. Not getting credit for payment or escrow account

Pnc Mortgage Co
National city mortgage pnc lied, misled and sold my home violating my rights while i was in bankruptcy ohio

Ocwen Federal Bank
Rip-off! Orlando Florida

Home Loans - Countrywide Mortgage foreclosured when not behind, lied in court Denve