Owcen Federal Bank FSB
Fees added so high forced back into bankruptcy. Not getting credit for payment or escrow account

Business & Finance

I have been forced back into bankruptcy because of Ocwen wanting to take my property from me since I have had a stroke they don't want to be a part of the bankruptcy and get paid instead they want the freedom to take from me and they is not fair I feel they should have to stay under the same laws as all the other creditors what makes me different

Company: Owcen Federal Bank FSB
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Orlando
Address: 12650 Ingenuity Drive
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Ocwen Federal Bank
Rip-off! Orlando Florida

Litton Loan Servicing LP
Larry Litton and Larry Litton Jr. Took Bankruptcy which was discharged 06/20. Litton supposedly went out of business & transferred loan to Ocwen. Transferred late fees $742 and legal fees $884 to Ocwen which were included & paid

Ocwen Federal Bank FSB
Ripoff trumped up charges and denial of payments

Ocwen Federal Bank
Is ripping me off with unsubstantiated fees. Orlando FL

Ocwen Loan Servicing
Unfair debt charges, unfair credit reporting

Ripoff - Ripoff, unrealistic demands & unrelentless attorneys

Ocwen Federal Bank
Ripoff fraudulent billing mortagage fraud and has forced me to file bankruptcy

Ocwen Federal Bank
Ripoff Oralndo

OCWEN Loan Servicing, LLC
Violations of Federal law pertaining to fair trade act

Ocwen Federal Bank - DUETSCHE BANK
Ocwen Bank - DUETSCHE BANK Forced to send ALL Pymnts Certfd w/rtrn recpt to avoid fees. Per CSR pymnts sit in Collctn room until enterd paid by staff. Forced into Bnkrptcy & Sold my home