Geek Squad
Substandard Part and Bait and Switch - 73 inch Mitsubishi TV Model WD 73732 Serial# 102979


On 7/13 i purchased a 73 inch Mitsubishi Big Screen Television Model WD73732 Serial# 102979 from Best Buy off the Kirkwood Hwy Location in Delaware. The day it was delivered it had a very loud Humming noise coming from it. I called Best Buy and they sent a serviceman out within a week. He said there was nothing wrong with the noise coming from it. Finally the sound got so loud if you turned the volume down to a lower level you could not hear the TV over the sound. The same repairman was sent out twice and he filed there was no unusal noise. (You had to be deaf not to hear it) Finally the Screeching got so bad it was unbearable. Another repairman was sent out and in less than one minute diagnoised the problem. It was the Optical-Engine (Optical-Block) This was replaced and the noise was completely silent you could hear a pin drop. This was Optical-Engine number 2. The 3rd Optical-Engine was replaced on 6/4 and it went out while the repairman was there. It was reset and within 15 minutes of him leaving it went out again. I called right away and he returned 6/5 worked on it and i was informed it (Optical-Engine number 3 was bad) and he would have to come back again. This will be the 4th Optical-Engine. Now so far this will be the 4th Optical-Engine (Optical-Block) 4 Bulbs (one was a discontinued bulb which exploded in the TV) 1-Power Supply. Now what really disturbs me (and it should you) is that discontinued and reconditioned parts are being used. I asked why these problems kept re-occuring and now i know why because they are using discontinued and substandard parts to try and get you thru the warranty period. Now while we are on the subject of the warranty. When i purchased the TV i was informed an extended warranty might be in my best interest. We went over the warranty and here was the selling (The bait) point. After any 3 repairs was made on the TV (excluding the bulb) the TV would be replaced under their Lemon policy. I asked if the same thing was replaced more than once how would it count. His answer was any 3 repairs. Now that was the bait and here is the switch. Now if a repair is made on the same thing it counts only as one repair no matter how many times. He is something else thrown on me yesterday (6/5) and it was if the part was defective they have a 30 day home warranty and that does not count as a repair. That has nothing to do with me. One minute it qualifys for replacement 5 minutes later it does not. I do not think they have any intentions of replacing the (TV) no matter if it is repaired 25 times. This is a LEMON and should be treated as one. This was a floor model they assured me was in mint condition and now i even suspect it was repaired and used as a floor model. 3 optical-Engines bad getting ready to put the 4th in. What are the odds of 1 going bad but 3. I paid over $4,000.00 for this set and the parts should not be replaced with nothing but Mitsubishi Factory Parts or the TV replaced and not some discontinued and reconditioned parts from who knows where. Roger Bosze Rising Sun, Maryland

Company: Geek Squad
Country: USA
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Geek Squad
Substandard Parts Plus Bait and Switch - 73 inch Mitsubishi TV Model WD 73732 Serial Number 102979

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