Geek Squad
Substandard Parts Plus Bait and Switch - 73 inch Mitsubishi TV Model WD 73732 Serial Number 102979

Electronics and household app.

I purchased a 73 inch Mitsubishi big screen television Model WD73732 and the serial number is 102979 and it was purchased on 7/13 and i was sold a performance service plan in which i was told it was a good idea to purchase and i did because i was told after any three repairs was made (bulb not being included) that the Television would be replaced. I asked if the same repair was made would it count as one repair and i was told it did not matter each repair was treated as an individual repair. So far this TV has had 1-Power Supply 4-Bulbs (one of which was a discontinued bulb which exploded in the TV) 3-Optical-Engine (Optical Block) The 3rd Optical Block was replaced on 6/4 and it went out before the repairman left and he returned on 6/5 and could not make the repairs and informed me the Optical Block was once again bad so this will be the 4th time for this replacement and something else i found very interesting was the fact that reconditioned parts are being used as was the discontiued bulb. I kept asking what was causing the problem and now i know why. It is not the repairman it is the substandard parts and the discontinued parts being used. From day one i complained something was wrong with the TV and they said nothing was wrong with the TV. The screeching was so loud if you turned the sound down to a lower volume you could not hear it over the screeching (Later found out it was the fans humming) Twice a repairman was sent out and filed a report there was nothing wrong with it. (You had to be deaf not to hear it) The third repairman that was sent diagnoised the problem in less than one minute. Replaced the optical-Engine and there was complete silence as should be. The 3rd and most recent optical-engine has the same screeching as the first but as we know now it is another reconditioned part. When i was on the phone yesterday with the Geed Squad they informed me there was a 30 Day in Home warranty on the part if it was bad. First time i heard that which would exclude that as counting that as a qualified repair. This TV has had almost 2 months down time on it since being purchased not counting countless times running in and out of my home and thinking all i have to do is hang around for a repairman. The Warranty is simply a bait and switch and using a replacement TV after 3 repairs was the Luring factor. I did not ask for that. That is what you sold me. It has been one big runaround with double talk at every corner. The Geek Squad can not even keep there own story in order. Talk to one this qualifys five minutes later another person no it doesn't qualify. I don't think there is any intention to replace anything no matter how many times it fails. This is a case of a perfect Lemon and now i am not even sure it was not repaired before i purchased it seeing it was bad the day it was delivered. It is like the TV commercial with the two Lawyers (Mumbo Jumbo Mumbo Jumbo) Roger Bosze Rising, Sun Maryland 1-410-398-0052

Company: Geek Squad
Country: USA
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Geek Squad
Substandard Part and Bait and Switch - 73 inch Mitsubishi TV Model WD 73732 Serial# 102979

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