Account Ease Premiium


I do not know how long I have been paying this fee, but when I called and asked for these fees to be reversed, they reversed 3 recent payments, and not all of the fees. I was deceived by Kohls, because I never signed up for this service. I asked them to give me the letter or anything that shows I asked for this service. They don't have it. I wondered why the bill never went down, but during this finacial problems, I just kept make my payments. If all the fees that I have paid were reversed, I would have paid off this bill. I want them to reverse all the payment, since I would never have this servce.

Company: Kohls
Country: USA
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GE Money Bank
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GE Money Bank - Care Credit
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Capital One
RIPOFF What does "Your account is now REALLY CLOSED" mean anyway?

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Bank of America

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GE Money Bank - Care Credit
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