Area Rug Return


I purchased an area rug on 2/5/10 and was unable to return the area rug by the 90 (5/6/10) Day return policy, due to family medical issues. There was absolutely nothing wrong with the rug, it just so happen to be that the rug colors didn't work with the area that I wanted to put it in, nor was it the right size. The store representatives were very friendly, but were unable to return the item at my original purchase price. They offered me $19.00 on an $80.00 rug. Are you serious? One of the managers offer customer support and said that they are able to make exceptions their that the store can't do. Well low and behold, I call customer support and I get this person that was not helpful at all. James as I believe his name was, kept telling me that they being "Target" were making the exception by giving me $19.00 for the rug. When I became persistent and asked to speak with a supervisr, I was told that I would be told the samething and sure enough I was, but the only difference was that the supervisor said that no one in the entire corporation would be able to make the exception of returning the area rug. I say BS! I've been in customer service before and I've also been a manager. I know that there is always an exception that can be made. I am highly disappointed in the service that I received and the POLICY that I was quoted. You never quote a customer your policy and you always try to do something for the customer. I wasn't asking for my money back, I was on asking for store credit to purchase another item. To give me $19 for a rug that I paid $80, will never make me step foot in another Target. My money is valuable to me and I'm sure that Target does not care, but I think that we as comsumers have busy lives and sometimes things happen that maynot allow us to get back to stores that we took the time out to goto in the first place and Tarket should be understanding of that. His rival store Wal-Mart seems to get it. To make the exception would be to return the rug, with the receipt and drivers license that they were so adamant that I have, and give me the purchase price in store credit to purchase another item within their store. Thate would be making the exception. I am extremely disappointed and upset. Target is not a cheap place to shop and to insist that I should just be satisfied with them giving me $19.00 and even accepting the return really pisses me off. Target, I would suggest that you revamp your policy and re-educate/train your customer servie reps. Constantly apologizing, but not offering any type of resolution doesn't do anything for the customer. I will be sure to tell all of my friends and family of this situation and I'm sure Target will lose not only my business but that of my friends as well. Times are hard now and no one has money to allow these big businesses or companies to take from them.

Country: USA
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Area Rug Return

Fraudulent return prices

Customer Service? Yeah Right! More Like Customer Disservice Worst return policy I've ever encountered

Unreasonable Return Policy

Terrible Return Policy

Return, Exchange, and Pricing Policy are inconsistent, unreasonable and arbitrary-i.E. No receipt -get item in same dept. Ripoff
No Customer Service

Do Not Shop At!

Target's poor return/exchange policy

Stores. Executive Officers have made a new rule to screw the consume