ICM websites - internet cash machines
Someone needs to call the State Attorney Economic Crimes Division on this Company Now


The company's page popped up stating they are recommended by Larry King, People Magazine etc. I am a student and thought let me see what this is all about. I sgined up for a $2.95 deal. I so happened to check my credit card statement within hours of the transaction and saw a transction pending for $139.95. I called them asap and the lady who answered said well the $2.95 was a trial for 5 days but I can offer reduce your $139.95 charge to $49.95. I told her none of this was anywhere when her offer was likes thief saying... I am not going to steal $139.95 from you but only $49.95... Is that ok? I then told her I want to cancel asap and she said ok and gave me a cancellation number. I was smart enough to tape the entire call. I then called my bank and cancelled my card. I called ICM back and played dumb and asked to verify the info on my account. I was told the account was closed so I asked for the cancellation number. The lady Susan said there was no cancellation number which leads me to believe the number given to me was fraudulent. I then asked Susan (the accent was that of an Indian lady and her name was not Susan Miller but I am going with it) for a fax confirmation of the cancellation. She said she put in request in writing into the manager and I will have it in 24 hours. I again taped the conversation. If I do not get this resolved by Thursday I am going in with all the info to the economic crimes division of th State Attorneys Office. I have now read the myraid of complaints on the internet and this is just ridiculous.

Company: ICM websites - internet cash machines
Country: USA
Phone: 18778633088
Site: internetprofitsuccesssystem.com
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ICM websites - internet cash machines
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