Delfina R. Perez
La Bella Beauty & Hair Supply Trouble Tenant, Scamme


Delfina R. Perez is a trouble tenant that scams her way into renting a house. Her modus operandi is to come accross as a caring grandmother that needs to rent your property for her daughter and grandkids.

Once she moves in, she will NOT make any rent payments and will not leave the property at all. She will then bring in as many family members as possible to live in the property as well as her dog.

My property was trashed and vandalized by her. When I was finally able to get her evicted by the Broward Sherriff's office my shocking surprise was that she stole ALL MY APPLIANCES, Fans, light fixtures, Garage door opener, door knobs, lightbulbs etc...

She also damaged all my wooden floors, stairs, punched holes in the walls etc... And left the garage filled with trash that was causing mold to form in the other words she will destroy your property and disregard any consideration towards the landlord.

I found out that this is a pattern that she has been doing for many years. She lies in her rental application and takes advantage of the owner of the property.

Her neighbors complained about her grandkids hanging out late almost every night with loud music with friends disregarding the neighbors.

She also uses her daughter or her sons to cooperate with her in her criminal activity. She burned my microwave and the kitchen cabinet and now I am looking at having to spend over $ 20,000 to repair the damage that she caused to my property.

Please DO NOT rent your property to her because you will be her next victim. I will be glad to share with you the information I have on her as well as to answer any questions you may have.

Calev Jimenez

Company: Delfina R. Perez
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami
Address: 3625 NW 17th avenue
Phone: 3056389899
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