Tiburon Financial LLC
Acai Berry scam continues!


The scam of ordering Acai Berry Breeze's free trial continues to yet another riduculous level. Now Healthy Online Services has apparently passed the reins to a collection agency called Tiburon Financial LLC. This new company is now demanding that I pay $83.95 for a month's supply of Acai Berry Breeze that I never ordered and never received! Interestingly, the amount of money that Healthy Online Services demanded was $133.95, but now that amount has dropped to $83.95!! My goal is to have it drop to zero and I never hear from these people again.
Regardless, I owe them nothing and I intend to pay them nothing. I cancelled that free trial long ago. I do plan to phone their supplied number and see if I can talk to a live person, so check back for an update on that.
The fact that they are now threatening my credit rating is so far out of line that it is just ridiculous! They cannot collect any money from me because I cancelled the credit card long ago, before they had a chance to run their little scam, and that's what they are unhappy about. I paid them their $4.95 trial and their 14 cent "foreign transaction fee" and that's all I owed them. I cancelled within their time limit and I sent back the rest of the bottle after 2 pills made me sick! They want me to pay for the priviledge of getting sick from their product? I think not.
I've sent all correspondence by certified mail so they cannot claim they didn't receive it. If anybody else out there is having this same hassle, please report this to the Arizona Attorney General. I sent them copies of complaints about this company, as well as a letter detailing this whole scam process. I am also going to make a complaint to the Arizona Better Business Bureau. Let's keep them busy dodging all the complaints we can generate!!!

Company: Tiburon Financial LLC
Country: USA
State: Nebraska
City: Boystown
Address: P.O. Box 770 Boystown, Ne 68010-0770
Phone: 18777367482
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Healthy Online Services
Threatening collections on non-existant debt for Acai Berry Breeze trial from 9 months ago!

Acai Berry Breeze
Detox-Trial-Members. Co3370 Charged (illegally) my credit account $84.79 for items I did not authorize and did not want

Healthy Online Services
Scottsdale, AZ Scammer, Scammer, Scammer! Berry Breeze Online Services is a FRAUD!

Lenox Capital
Ripoff rip-off scam liars Woodstock

Econo Lodge

Set up AT&T account without our permission, the evil dirt bags! Then, they said (several times) that they sent the required return label, and it never arrived RIP-OFF Internet

Acai Berry Breeze
Acai Berry, Acai Burn, Losers, whatever. Major rip off!

Acai Berry Detox
Took money out of my account after i had cancelled my trial period

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CIC Credit Monitor deceptive ripoffcompany Worldwide

Acai Berry Breeze
Unauthorized charges