William Victor James
Theft Between Friends, dishonorable, does not honor his debts ($500.00), oiginally promised as a loan


Victor and I were friends, yes I did have a crush on him, and when he lost his job did everything I could to be supportive of him. One day he called me crying and so very depressed that he had no food in the house, Well I went to the store and bought hime $100.00 worth of groceries and he swore he would pay me back

Then, another day he called me needing a prescription from a Doctor, and asked me if he could borrow the money for the prescription, which I did let him borrow.

Then the day came when he asked me for $300.00 so that he could pay his house payment and that when his unemployment check came in, my money would come right off the top. Needless to say, when his unemployment check came in, he had changed his plans about repaying my $300.00 and as a result, my car payment was late that month.

He calls himself an honorable man, but I don't see why or how he can stand and say this when he won't pay my money back and I'm on a fixed income.

Company: William Victor James
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: San Leon
Address: Railroad St
Phone: 2815083225
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William Victor James
Victor borrowed money from me, let me repeat, BORROWED money from me to help him get through a rough time in hiw life, like to but food, help pay a house note, and a Doctors office Visit when he had l

William Victor James
Theft Between Friends

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