Chase Home Finance
Modification scam - modification


We have been on this modification process since june. Sept 1 we started our trial period with chase. It is now feb 23. Since starting this process weve been asked to send are bank statements and other docs 4 times during this period. I have called numerous times and as everybody else i get no answers. On feb 19 i called chase four different times one after the other. Every one of those so called customer service reps gave me a different story. One was just dumb, the other transfered me, and one lady told me something no one has. I asked her about my loan mod and that i was pretty upset rite now cause i can not get no answers on the mod. She told me, She doesn't know what is going on herself (ha) she goes on by saying they dont know how the mods are being taking care of (they meaning herself and her supervisor) She goes on to tell me that the investor is actually working on my modification loan request (really) so i ask who is my investor then (freddie mac) ok. So i ask you guys at chase are not working on my mod (she says no) when freedie mac has more info they will tell chase about the mod. So she tells me to call freddie mac and gave me my Id loan # with freddie and there phone #. And to call and see whats going on. Chase the big banker is a gangster. Its the new mob and the ceo is the godfather. What kind of america do we live in where we allow banks rape us, steal from us like some sort of wannabe gangster. I pray and hope for this bank to go down under. Oh and as soon as the governor of oregon signs the bill that just passed the senate, that allows the people to sue these dumbasses i will be the first to be filing a lawsuit against chase.:) It's my turn now to screw you

Company: Chase Home Finance
Country: USA
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