CitiMortgage Tia Sivily
Settlement Scam


BEWARE of dealing with Tia Sivily in the Recovery Department of CitiMortage. For a year I have tried to get a loan mod, from when I was current, then while I started being delinquint, and then after chargeoff. Every time I was cut off at the pass. Finally in december, got through to settlement, where we finally agreed verbally on the phone to 10 cents on the dollar (which was $12000 in my case) then 2 days later, they changed their mind and said they wanted $25000. Next, the account charged off in Jan and I had the misfortune of dealing with the lovely (sarcastic) Miss Tia Sivily who assured me she would settle for very close to the $10000 I offered. Two days later (Friday 26th Feb) she changed her mind, and said she would settle for $75000.??? After which she becamse beligerent, nasty and said she was closing the case and hung up on me (without letting me get a word in). So, I sent a complaint with the loan forensic to the OCC and State Attorney General mentioning her name as the specific cause of failure to get any resolutions. I also sent the same documentation with a loan forensic (which was full of Tila violations) to her boss, the CEO of Citimorgage, Vikram Pandit. His fax is 212-793-9007.
I'm asking you all who read this and who have had equally as miserable experience with Citimortgage as myself, to do the same. Lets get this witch fired.
Guess what miss Tia Sivily of Citimortgage, stuck in anonymity behind a phone and thing you can treat people like dog poop? Well, welcome to History, because this report never gets erased, and your name will stay at the top of Google forever.

Company: CitiMortgage Tia Sivily
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: The Lakes
Address: PO Box 6006
Phone: 80082499072203524
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I am really ashamed of being dealing with Citmortgage, after all the paperwork, phone calls, spending money on faxes, besides that i was dealing with NACA witch is good for nothing they told me that they CITIMORTGAGE. Big time liaers

Citimortgage is steeling my house and thy screwed me w/a modification and put me into foreclosure

Citimortgage put me in default!

CitiMortgage Inc
BEWARE&CitiMortgage Loan Modification only helps CitiMortgage and not the Consume

Nationwide Mortgage, CitiMortgage Company)
Nationwide Mortgage, CitiMortgage Company ripoff home mortgage

Here is email for CEO of Citimortgage


Citimortgage - Citicorp - Citibank - Citigroup
Citi-bank, citi-card, any citi owned properties and inities IM TIRED OF DEALING WITH CITI ON MY HOME IM GONNA ASK ANYBODY HAVE PROBLEMS CONTACT ME

Loan Modification

They stole my money