T-Mobile, Tmobile, T-Mobile USA
Sent final bill then try to charge me for another month


February 17T-MobilePO Box 742596Cincinnati, OH 45274-2596Attention: Administrator CapacityRe: Final Bill To WhomIt May Concern: I havebeen a customer for over 5 years with T-Mobile and recently changed my servicedue to not only your customer service representatives, but also due to the factthat your accounting is horrible. I havenot been satisfied due to being overcharged with incoming texts that I hadblocked and were allowed to be billed to my account, (which I realize that youare in a Class Action suit over that one), unauthorized ringtones and I nowhave a problem ending your service. I calledto see if your company would compete with your competitor on pricing for twophone lines that I have paid for over two years, and my single line for morethan 3 years. I previously had your pay as you go phone for two yearsbecause I didnt need a cell phone with many minutes. Then my situation changed and I needed onewith more minutes. Whenasking if I could get a rate that was competitive my result was that they coulddo $79.95 for two phones plus taxes that only included phone service for twophones. NO text, NO web, NO email, justnot what I needed so I changed service. Bythe way your competitor had all those services and I am only paying $40.00/permo. Which after taxes costs me only $48.02 a month. BIG difference! The firstphone line I had disconnected was the 816-200-9239phone number and that occurred around December 23 after the contract ended onDecember 18th. (Which Ibelieve was another class action law suit regarding all the phone companiestrying to pull that one, and then the Supreme Court of the United Statesmade that practice illegal) Then because you could not compete with the amountI was going to be charged by the other company with providing the otherservices I turned my service over to your competitor on December 28. Ireceived a letter for my Final bill dated January 4 stating Iowe only $69.05 which should have only been for $59.05 due to an unauthorizedringtone that I was being billed on the previous months bill that I neverordered. As you can see in my history Ihave never ordered one in the entire history of my time with your company. Then I receive another bill after I received afinal notice for $218.95. When I calledto talk with the customer service representative Eric L. Employee number 3181800 he stated that nowmy bill was $218.95. So as I could see Iwasnt getting anywhere with him I talked to his supervisor, Erica, Employeenumber 1270371 she was trying to tell me that I didnt pay a bill back in Julyand that it was from that. Which as Iexplained I had all my receipts in front of me as well as your bills reflectingmy payments being paid she did the big back stroke and then stated we bill inthe rears. I asked then why did I haveto pay a month in advance when I switched and upgraded and bought the popularRazor when I stepped up from the pay as I go phone? (Which bythe way I didnt get any credit for my remaining minutes when I switched myservice to monthly billing) Then again she did the big back stroke and stumbledall over herself. As I seeit I owe your company only the $59.05 stated in your Final Bill. So that is all you are going to get. I will dispute and prove my side to anycredit reporting agency. If yourcompany had their scruples together, were competitive and had better customerservice representatives you may not be losing your business to yourcompetitors. If you take a lesson fromwhat Sprint has done to lose customers by their lack of customer service, andcompetitiveness then you will see how the public is now viewing yourcompany. I would immediately turn mypractices around before your company no longer exists. I have seen the pages and pages of T-Mobileon usacomplaints.com and your company has a long list of customer serviceproblems as it looks for years now with no resolving these problems. As I see it your company has no intention oftaking care of customer service problems. So if I find that you have reported the difference of what I think I oweand what you think I owe I will be also filing a lawsuit in court and I believeI will have plenty of people to go along with yet another CLASS ACTION LAWSUITagainst T-Mobile just by all the people on usacomplaints.com. Just alittle FYI from a small business owner!

Company: T-Mobile, Tmobile, T-Mobile USA
Country: USA
Address: T-Mobile PO Box 742596 45274-2596
Site: tmobile.com
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