Compu-Electronics Sales
Liquidation sale rip-off


I recently bought a Compaq laptop computer at a liquidation sale in Minnesota. (This was a display model)
The information on the table explained that this PC had 2GB ram and 260GB HD. The salesman told me to give him 20 minutes and he will install Office 2007 as a "bonus for me". I also purchased a monitor and he wrote a slip for for the total price but tried to charge my credit card $100 more. After signing about 4 different receipts, he claims to have it correct. (Still waiting to see my credit card bill). I got home and noticed that the PC only had 504MB ram and 50GB hard drive.
I returned to the sale the next day and asked him to show me where the 2GB ram and 260GB harddrive was and he told me that you can't see it but it will be there when you need it. He speaks broken english so I had a hard time understanding him. I was also told that this could not be returned, just exchanged.
He said for my inconvenience he will install an antivirus for me (for free). This antivirus can be downloaded from the internet for free. I told him to box up my "junk" and I will just write it off as a stupid investment.
I was charged $349.99 for this piece of junk, and was disturbed to find out that I could have purchased the same PC (brand new) with 2GB ram and 260GB harddrive from Best Buy for $349.99.
I have tried to contact this company by phone and left messages but have heard nothing yet.
I would just like to thank you people for removing any trust I had in people like you.

Company: Compu-Electronics Sales
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Cleveland
Address: p.o. box 21144
Phone: 4402411200
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