Harrison Smith
Looking for a sitter for twin girls Looking for a sitter for twin girls-also sends a pic to make you believe


Here is what Mr. Harrison Smith first sent me.
Hello, I came across your advert that you offer babysitting service, Let me know if you will be available to care for my twin baby girl. I will be needing you to care for them for 6 weeks. Also i need someone that will take care of them as her own baby. Please get back to be on time so we can arrange how possible this will be. I look forward to hearing back from you. Regards Harrison
He then send a picture of two girls in pink where it made it sound believable. The further emails he sent started to sound suspicious. I asked plenty of questions and noticed they were being ignored.in the end I stated I needed to meet him in person and the girls and again the question was ignored and Harrison started saying he was going to buy toys from a local toy store and wanted my address. I stopped it from there.
Please, if this guy contacts you, do not fall into his scam. It seems from the other reports that he has been doing this for a long time.
Best of luck to everyone...

Company: Harrison Smith
Country: USA
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