Lies, lies. Lies, cheat you out of money, block calls for no reason


I am so fed up with this company, I have filed a complaint with the FCC and I am filing one with my congressman on the state level.

This company started blocking calls from our son. The first time they did it the reset it and never said anything else. The next time it happened they claimed we over some $200.00 limit that they never let you know about and stated it could not be turned back on we would have to prepay from now on. I asked to start receiving an itemized bill and was told they could not do this for prepay customers. I asked to have our limit increased as my husband and I both have excellent credit and always pay our bills on time and usually early. They said that did not matter.

I finally got a hold of Trish Deal with globaltelink and she stated someone would be in contact with me to up my credit and take off the block. The person I spoke with stated they would up it to $300.00 and send me a refund for the 33.00 I had left on my prepaid account. Well I have never received the refund, our phone is still blocked as our son just tried to call and we were unable to take the call as the recording stated this phone is not able to accept collect calls.

I was so furiated, they lied to me again. What can be done about these people? It is not right to be treated this way. How would they like to be treated this way.

Please, Please, Please, someone help. This company is a ripoff and all they do is lie. People in customer service are rude and disgusting. On Christmas day the 2nd time they blocked our son's call we were unable to speak with him on this day. The girl in customer service was so rude and stated that we were just upset we did not get to talk to our son. Who says that to someone?

Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Company: GlobalTelLink
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Denver
Address: box 173875
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