High Class Properties
Mike Guzman highclass_corporate@msn.com High Class Properties is a big rip off they owe me money now for six months and won't even return the phone call, there is no address for them and they refuse to answer any of my calls or even attempt


High Class Properties works for the banks and they ask people to do their work. They send you out everywhere and want the results in a day. When the work is done and done correctly and on time they do not pay. This guy does not list his address anywhere and he opperates out of a P.O. Box and runs his business off of a cell phone and voice message machine. He does not pay.

The banks pay him and he does not pay the people who actually do the work. He is a con man. He will not return any phone calls. He will not answer any e mails. He will give you every bogus reason not to pay. He acts like he has a big company but he is really a Gardner. The banks have paid him yet he spent the money and does not pay the people who did the work. It has been six months and still he has not paid me. That is long enough. He will not take my calls and will not respond to any e mails.

I drove everywhere worked for what was very little and now nothing and it actually cost me money to do the work and he will not pay. Do not do work for High Class Properties, you will not get paid. Mike is a Rip Off! I will be placing liens and trying to find his address or place of business if there is one. If you know any information about this guy I would really appreciate having it as I need to follow through and try to collect my money.

Thank you

Company: High Class Properties
Country: USA
State: California
City: Costa Messa/Fresno
Phone: 19498871634
Site: highclassproperties.net
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