Stop tracfone law suit abuse


TracFone is a large and powerful prepaid cellular phone provider. For the past several years, TracFone has engaged in abusive legal tactics against hundreds of small cellphone handset wholesalers, retailers, eBay merchants and resellers. Heres TracFones war plan

TracFone finds a small business that has sold small quantity of unlocked TracFones and orders their high powered lawyers to file a lawsuit against the business in federal court.
TracFone knows that the targeted business does not have the financial ability to fight a lengthy and expensive court battle.
TracFone uses its financial superiority like a sledgehammer. A business with limited financial resources cant fight and TracFone knows this and can easily force the business to stipulate to a multi-million dollar settlement. The settlement effectively puts the targeted company out of business.
Once in a while a targeted company chooses to fight, but soon realizes that the litigation costs are extreme and it is forced to waive the white flag and surrender to the TracFone juggernaut. Once again the result is a multi-million dollar settlement or judgment against the targeted company.
TracFone must know that none of its targets can pay these ridiculous settlements and judgments. That doesnt matter, since it seems that TracFone would rather put a company out of business than collect any damages.
TracFones war plan is a despicable abuse of the United States court system. Yet they get away with it time and again because no one will stand up and fight.

TracFone has sued us in Florida Federal Court, far from where we live. We have hired experienced counsel who advises that we have a good chance of defeating the abusive TracFone tactics. It is vitally important to win this lawsuit since it will establish a precedent that can be used by others against TracFone.

Company: Tracfone
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami
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