American Benefit Services
A Decietful Corrupt Company - Dream Shooter-Lying About Government Benefits And Grants


I was in desperate need in funds for education so I decided to try this company. They charged me 300 dollars and said that they would be able to find me all kinds of grants for at least 5,000 dollars or return all I got was a package with all kinds of websites tell me about loans and stuff that had absolutely nothing to do
with what I had asked for.

Which I thought was ridiculous I wouldn't need to pay 300 dollars to figure out how to apply for a loan. When I called to ask for help they sent me to customer service which in reality is nothing but a voice mail box. They never return your phone calls I called so many times to the voice mail box filled up.

Everytime I tried to call to ask for a refund they either hang up the phone or send me to the voicemail box. Which is crazy because they claim they have a money back guarantee policy.

If you recieve a green postcard in the mail saying that they guarantee to help you find a grant of at least 5,000 dollars or more throw it away immediately Its nothing but a rip off and you'll be heart broken and disappointed in the long run.

Company: American Benefit Services
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Sarasota
Address: 7350 South Tamiami Trail Ste-155
Phone: 18009893395
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