Federal Grant Programs And Services
Fraud District of columbia

Construction & Repair

I was on internet looking for grants for first time home buyer. Watch your websites if looking on internet, everything should end in. Gov and not a.com. Anyways I was on a.com website instead of. Gov and filled out some basic info. Name, address, and dob. I was later contacted by a man named Jake Tyler who said that the government was given out grants to first time home buyers and I was eligible. The grant would be for 25% of the home value but I would have to find a foreclosed or short sale house because the gov wanted to put the money back into the housing economy. Kind of sounds legite right?

The person gave me 2 websites to look at: freeforeclosures.com to find maybe some houses and federalgrantprogramsservices.com. All the info the person gave me is on the website. Anyways he told me that I needed to send the grant writer $385. The grant writers name KATHY APARICIO, same as report#451877. I sent it certified mail, it was signed by JENNY GONZALEZ. I was also sent an e-mail that outlines a so called disclosue agreement. I was to sign and send back to them.

Anyways I guess I got duped out of $385 dollars. I have contacted consumer affairs about this. Just be wary if someone contacts you about government grants, and make sure you are on the. Gov website, don't trust anything on a.com website!

Company: Federal Grant Programs And Services
Country: USA
State: District of Columbia
City: Washington
Address: 2020 Pennsylvania Ave Nw Washington Dc 20006
Phone: 8664086701
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Federal grant program services
Jake tyler and kathya aparicio ripped off 385.00 for a grant for home mortgage grant housing grants for 385.00 and guarantee a housing grant and home repairs for a grant in 4 weeks

Got ripped off for 385 dollars for a gov. Grant to help with mortage and repair on home i guess jake tyler andkathya aparicio are having a good time on the money they have ripped off of people ripped off by two scum bags Washington, District of Columbia

Platinum Key Services
This company said they were giving out government grant money. They said there was a fee of $299.00 for the grant writers and if a grant was not given this money would be refunded within 6 months

Grant Finder Pro
Grant Finder Pro Is A Scam grant finder pro guaranteed me a buisness loan hat does not exist

American Grant Aid Services

GrantFundingSearch Unauthorized funds

Federal Grant Programs And Services
Harry Pratt as agent and Catherine Freiburghaus as grant writter At the beginning of August I applied for several grants to finish my home. Received a phone call three days later stating I was qualified and after a few obsticles, the grant money was mine

Commerical Credit Resources, Inc
Create business plan for government grants. Create Website

Grants Are Easy - Get My Grant
Made unauthorized withdrawls to bank account

Synergyp Pro Consulting
Misrepresentation: making people believe they work for the government. Then charging them $3,000.00 to $5,000.00 to fill out government grant forms. Ripoff