Invitation Processing - greates Kept Secrets
The association, John, Kevin This company IS FRAUDULENT


This comes as no surprise to me that people will consistently prey on those they deem "weaker". Surprise, I am a psychic and saw it coming a mile away, I actually thought about sending it in to see how far down the rabbit hole goes, but I've busted better con artists than them. They do base out of New York, and since Delaware has less strict laws on certain things, they used a base p.O. Box. Upon examining the paper, and knowing that no self respecting "Secret Society" would use a chain letter format, it is simple to deduce that it is a small operation worked out of someone's house or apartment, and using less than 10 people, one or two of whom are in printing. I would like to get a lis t of other people and crass reference whether they use the same account numbers and manuscript numbers for everyone.

Company: Invitation Processing - greates Kept Secrets
Country: USA
State: Delaware
City: Dover
Address: p.o. box 6034 Dover De. 19905-6304
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John Finn, Invitation Processing
The Association, Neo-Tech, basically anything with Neo in the front. Whose special? You're special! At least that's what Invitation Processing would like you to think

Invitation Processing - greates Kept Secrets
Special invitation Secret society. FREE 56-page booklet containing exclusive secrets. Financial success

Kirsten Hart
Secret Society unusual ripoff

Best Kept Secrets Secret Society Invitation Processing
John/Kevin Swore to GOD?! In my letter, John swears to GOD that he will send me

The Secret Society
Package of Inside Secrets... 1200 page manuscript... You are chosen

The Secret Society
Best Kept Secrets Secret Society Invitation Processing Personal Secret Society Invitation - Not With Did not get any money, but I wasted a lot of time looking into their membership offer

Invitatation Processing - Kirsten Hart
Invitation Processing - Kirsten Hart looking at my profile, talks about the secret society, swears on bible for riches, fame, love etc. Ripoff

Invitation Processing
Mailed me a letter saying i was part of the "secret society" and i couldn't tell anyone but they told me to mail or fax a paper attached so that they would send me SECRETS OF SECRET SOCIETY to become

Invitation Processing
Free -membership invitation sound like a scam a secret association that will give you a free 56 page bookletcontaining the greatest kep secrets complealy free of charge and a date line of 3 days to mail it or fax it

Kirsten Hart, Invitation Processing
Tried to scam me into joining (FOR FREE) a SECRET SOCIETY that doesn't appear so secret