Best Kept Secrets Secret Society Invitation Processing
John/Kevin Swore to GOD?! In my letter, John swears to GOD that he will send me


In my opinion, the worse part of this 8 page letter is the fact that "John and Kevin" "swear to GOD" that they will send me this free information... Blah, blah, blah. Do they really NOT KNOW what they are doing? It is out of my hands, they will pay for what they are doing!!! GOD knows!!!

Company: Best Kept Secrets Secret Society Invitation Processing
Country: USA
State: Delaware
City: Dover
Address: PO Box 6304
  <     >  


The Nouveau Tech Society
Potential Rip-Off Letter (8 Pages) Received - No Telling How Much $ I Could Have Lost To This Scam!

John Finn, Invitation Processing
The Association, Neo-Tech, basically anything with Neo in the front. Whose special? You're special! At least that's what Invitation Processing would like you to think

The Secret Society
Just got the 56 page booklet and a letter from a so called mentor wanting to help me with a free year of mentoring after I get the 2nd installment

The Secret Society's Inside Secrets
Congrats! You have been accepted as a new Secret Society Member... You are truly one of the lucky few

Invitation Processing
Mailed me a letter saying i was part of the "secret society" and i couldn't tell anyone but they told me to mail or fax a paper attached so that they would send me SECRETS OF SECRET SOCIETY to become

John Finn, Invitation Processing
You posses special traits, secret society, free-membership

Invitation Processing
Free -membership invitation sound like a scam a secret association that will give you a free 56 page bookletcontaining the greatest kep secrets complealy free of charge and a date line of 3 days to mail it or fax it

The Secret Society
Miracle Manuscript that Would Change My Life

Secret Society
I have Special Traits Ripoff

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