Tigerjet - magicJack
Tigerjet/magicJack Fake hardware was warranty replaced with new fake hardware


I purchased a magicJack almost two years ago and logged in with continuous problems not being able to be heard by the person I called or the dial tone would drop off after the first few seconds of a call which cut us off. Callers could not reach me on the magicJack phone system either because my phone wouldn't ring or the line would go dead after I picked up. When I obtained a warranty replacement long after the thirty day trial and long after I purchased a five year contract, I realized that the warranty replacement was a fake product which solved none of the original issues.
Over time I have logged more than a dozen chat sessions all of which repeated the same steps to solve the issues which never worked and the so called technical personnel never concerned themselves if the problems were ever solved. This morning a started three chat sessions which ended by the supporter terminating the session each time when I insisted that I have all my money returned.

Company: Tigerjet - magicJack
Country: USA
Site: magicjack.com
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Magic Jack
Unuseable telephone service

False online advertising on live chat support

Magicjack ripped me off

Ripped Off, Just like Magic

MagicJack Phone
Magicjack poor audio and calling malfunction

Magicjack does not work, returned 1st order only to receive a 2nd magicjack and was charged $140.90 Do Not Know

Run, do not walk, RUN away from this product

Sold me a product that does not work and messed up my pc

100% misrepresentation on product

Dishonest billing Internet