Sold me a product that does not work and messed up my pc


This is a report on a company that should be sued and taken off there air waves - I did buy a magicjack after reading all the info on it and yes it did sound to good to be true -

They are doing so much with technology these days that I thought just maybe it would work and of course they guaranteed it and gave a 30 day trial period -

It worked 3 times to where I made a call to a friend but it only lasted about 2 or 3 min and then it just went off and after that all it would do was go off and then reboot -

I tried everything including delete and reinstall - which by the way they do not have an uninstall - then it would ring out and automatically disappear again so nothing worked -

I tried to get in touch with a representative again but this time no one would answer - I had chatted once before with someone and they didn't know how to fix it then either - this is on a chat program because they have no phone or fax number -

I am very disappointed in this product and feel I was ripped off - I asked when I did chat with this person if I could send it in and get a replacement

They said that I had to go thru all the steps and also do the upgrade and then they said it could be my pc and they were not responsible for that -

I did all the steps plus some and it still does not work - it does not even come up on the pc now -

I hope and pray people will not get this magicjack and those who do will send in a report and put them out of business

Company: Magicjack
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: West Palm Beach
Address: P.o. Box 6846
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Magicjack does not work, returned 1st order only to receive a 2nd magicjack and was charged $140.90 Do Not Know

Tigerjet - magicJack
Tigerjet/magicJack Fake hardware was warranty replaced with new fake hardware

MagicJack does not work but their billing does

LP Lies, False advertisment, no support or customer care, "fly by night"

Horrible Customer Service

Magic Jack
Very Poor Customer service - tech support
YMAX Corporation, MagicCrap! Get Crystal Clear Call Quality with no monthly bills!

Online scam

Is a rip off and does not work as advertised!

Dishonest billing Internet