Overtime.us.com - Grahic Today - Graphic Design - Brian Edwards, Gameday
Overtime.Us.com - Grahic Today, Graphic Design, Brian Edwards, Gameday Overtime Sports Fraud, Scam, Trick Language


A company called Overtime Sports contacted me through my resume atCareer Builders and offered me a position with their company. My jobwould be to distribute flyers that advertise a membership sportswebsite. If people signed up for the website, I would receive a portionof the sale. I'm currently undergoing chemotherapy so I am unable to work full time and needed a job, so I thoughtthat this would be a way to make a little money. I had several phoneconversations with "Shawn" who explained more about the position. Hestated that I would need to purchase the flyers, but they were veryinexpensive..."nine twenty" for 8,000. What he meant was $1920.00 and hecharged that amount to my credit card. Within 24 hours I realized that Iwas deceived, and called to ask for a refund. It has been almost a year ofback and forth with "Shawn". He attempted to get me to settle for arefund of half of what I paid him. I refused stating I needed a fullrefund. I contacted my bank and filed a fraud report, I contacted theBetter Business Bureau, and I researched moreabout this company. It seems that there are several names for thisscam: Graphics Today, Overtime Sports, in-sports.Biz, game-time.Us.com, game-day-usa.net. I'm sure there are many others. From what I read, these people have been taking advantage of recent college grads foryears. They are so dishonest and it is so disheartening for someone whois trying to get their first real job. I will not rest until I get mymoney back. Please have nothing to do with this company! You'll findmany reports on this website regarding their deception.

Company: Overtime.us.com - Grahic Today - Graphic Design - Brian Edwards, Gameday
Country: USA
State: California
City: Lake Forest
Address: 2375 El Toro Rd. Suite 223
Phone: 1877392588
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Overtime Sports, Graphics Today
Gameday-usa.net, Overtime Sports, Graphics Today Misrepresented amount to be charged to credit card. Won't refund!

Overtime.us.com Grahic Today, Graphic Design, Brian Edwards, Gameday
Overtime.Us.com, Grahic Today, Graphic Design, Brian Edwards, Gameday Scam, voice conversation, Brian Edwards, overcharged, sports supervisor, sports director, sports promotional flyers, lied, scam, screwed Nationwide

Heery HLM Design
No overtime comp whatsoeve

Game Day, Gameday-usa.net, 53l854.info, Game Time
Employment fee deception

Game-time.us.com, In-Sports.biz
Deceived into "contract" for $1920

Play To Win Sports
A management job that I had to pay $1920.00 to get!

Game Time - Sports Promoter/Manager
Game Time (Jake) told me one thing, did another—Cleaned out my bank account, refused full refund Internet

Abercrombie & Fitch
Ripoff on overtime pay and hellacious working hours at least 50-60 hours a week

Elderwood at Tioga

Dollar Tree
Not Paying Overtime and Requiring Employees to Work Off-The-Clock