Game Time - Sports Promoter/Manager
Game Time (Jake) told me one thing, did another—Cleaned out my bank account, refused full refund Internet


Game Time seems like a perfectly legit company, but they are SCAMMERS!!!

The previous reports filed are all true because I too was a recent victim of Game-Time's scam. I am so glad that I'm not alone and other victims have come forward to report these people.

Jake (if that's his real name) completely WIPED-OUT my bank account by charging an amount of nearly $1,000 that I never authorized, or didn't realize I was authorizing according to him because I gave him my debit card info. Which was a huge mistake on my part.

When I agreed to work for Game-Time as a Sports Promoter/Manager, I spoke to two people, first Greg then Jake (the so-called president). These guys are very convincing because they ACT very nice and professional when in reality they know exactly what they are doing to us poor people.

When they each explained to me what be a Sports Promoter for Game-Time was all about and what I'd be doing, they NEVER ONCE said they would charge $960.00 up-front nor any amount close to that to send me flyers to distribute in my area to promote their website.

They only said there would be a charge of $20-$25 per month for 6 months for a deposit, then I would get that money back plus more after working for them for 6 months. I agreed to that and that's when the dreaded recorded "question and answer" session came in. Jake asked me a few questions and I answered as he was recording.By this time he had already taken my debit card info.

One of his questions was "Do you authorize Game Time to charge an amount of. 9 cents per flyer that would be sent to you to distribute?" I answered "yes" which is where they got me. I was horrified to learn that this guy charged $960.00 to my debit card when I checked my bank account the next night. I was at a negative balance because I didn't have the funds to even cover that amount.

I called and spoke to Jake as soon as I could to clear up an obvious "misunderstanding" and to have a full refund credited back to my account. All he could say was that he made it as clear as he could in the recorded conversation, and had he known I was using a debit card he would've told me not to (yeah right!!!).

When I requested a full refund back and to send back the flyer he already sent me, Jake refused. He tried to force me to still work as a "Sports Promoter" and offered me a $300 credit. When I told him that I had NO MONEY left in my account to pay my bills and rent, he offered me a $500 credit. That would still leave $460 of my money that he stole and not return back to me.

In the meantime, he sends me a 25-pound package in the mail that I refused and sent back. At that point I turned to my bank. Thankfully I'm with a good bank that credited all my money that Jake stole and is currently investigating him and Game Time. Though it may never happen, I just want for all my money plus other people's money that Jake stole to be taken back from him.

I first found out about this bogus Sports Promoter position on Thankfully Game-Time no longer has anything posted on there or on CareerBuilder for anyone to fall victim to.

Please DO NOT give your credit/debit card or bank account info. To anyone from Game-Time, or any company similar. They are scammers and they will take your money and you will not get anything out of it. Take it from an actual victim!

Company: Game Time - Sports Promoter/Manager
Country: USA
State: California
Phone: 8772728381
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