Qwest Communications International Inc
Qwest - phone, fax, DSL


I was charged $380 for a service they could not provide. I signed up for a package (phone/internet/direct tv). Had the phone and internet connected and 2 days later direct tv came out and stated they could not install in my apartment complex. I called Qwest and canceled the whole package. I then had Comcast install a package (I know, not much better) 4 months later I was getting bills for past due amount of $380. When I called them they stated they did not have a record of my canceling the package. When asked them to look and see if I was using any of the services, they stated that they deleted the files. After talking to several supervisors and yelling at anybody I could at Qwest, they promply turned over to collections and is now on my credit report. I have disputed and the saga goes on 1 year later.

Company: Qwest Communications International Inc
Country: USA
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After two years of constant erroneous billing mistakes. We've cancelled our account with them

Ripoff! Charges to my Qwest Bill Without approval, internet

Qwest Community Liaison Representatitive Extending Dishonest Contracts

Direct TV Qwest and Direct TV Bundle package billing ripoff

Qwest Communications International Inc
Beware the bundle! I ordered a

Qwest Communications
Great service from Qwest - phone

Qwest Bundle Package
False Billing

Qwest And Direct Tv
Qwest and direct tv are passing the buck!

Qwest And Teleseven
Qwest - teleseven ripoff! Direct Assist charges fake

Qwest Communications International
Qwest ripoff