Michigan Friend Of The Court
Things Need To Change With The Friend Of The Court


The Friend Of The Court is not our Friend and that needs to change. The program needs to be re-evaluated, there system doesn't work and no one is there to over see the wrongs that are being done to good people that intend to pay support and take care of there children.
The FOC sent an order to my employer that i had to have insurance on my son, never once checking to see what the cost was. Now i have to take a $522.00 dollar a month hit until they review my complaint that this is over 5% of my income. Now they are taking over $1100.00 a month from my check. This needs to stop and i would like to organize a group and see what our chances are to sue the FOC for the money they have taken from good people like us. And file to have the system changed and examined and have offices put in towns around Mi were they belong and not 1 office in Detroit.

They should also assign a case worker to your case, not the who ever answers the phone system they have now.

There formula that they use needs to be re-formulated. When my son lived with me there was at no time it cost me $500 a month, not even at school time. Also the over the counter drug charge is ridiculous there is no way that it should even exist.

If anyone is interested email me at but make sure you have proof of the system cheating you so then we can share the cost and find an attorney that will fight for us. The victims of foc

Company: Michigan Friend Of The Court
Country: USA
State: Michigan
City: Detroit
Address: Penobscot Building 645 Griswold Avenue Detroit
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