Auto Lube and Espresso
Auto Lube, Auto Espresso Company 86's people because they are protecting a thief that is working for them


Today, October 2nd I went to my usual coffee shop and went to order my drink and along with it, I had complained about a worker there who has been short changing me and people in my house. I know it is not just me, because my house mates have complained also.
I mentioned that this would be the last time that I will allow her to do this. I also mentioned that she makes my drinks way wrong and they taste like dirty armpits.
One of the other employees called the manager and he told her to have me leave and not come back.
I was thrown back. This person should be fired. I am wondering how much she makes off with in a day by stealing from people. I know in about a months span she "was" at least making off with 20 bucks a person in my house.
They are obviously protecting a thief.

Company: Auto Lube and Espresso
Country: USA
State: Washington
City: Tacoma
Address: 1202 S 38th St
Phone: 2534740258
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