Not the whole story


Be careful when ordering anything from at&t.initially, when I bought the apple iphone, I was led to believe that tethering was available, -Now you can share the fast 3G connection on your iPhone with your Mac or PC and connect to the Internet from just about anywhere no Wi-Fi required.
This is what the apple website states, however, in tiny, grayed out lettering, if you can read, it says, not available in the U.S.
Why the hell are they advertising this and disclaiming it in a single ad?
Makes no sense.
Then, when I asked what charges I could expect from using my phone, I was told that I could use their least expensive plan @ 69.00 per month.
No where and No one bothered to explain that there is also a 49.00 'usage' fee on Top of that!
I claim that at&t are still in the habit of deceptive advertising practices.
On top of this, their service Sucks. Phone calls are constantly being dropped.
I never had this problem with Alltel.

Company: At&t
Country: USA
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