Potential employees and advertisers! Do not fall for this company! Irving Texas


First of all my interview was great! It was fun and exciting and they made this company sound WONDERFUL. Next thing I know they pulled out a cooler of beer. Kind of weird I thought. Wasn't sure if this was necessarily professional but this was definitly one of their ways to reel you in. Training for me lasted 2 weeks. It was ridiculous and repetitive and after training I still had NO clue what I was selling. They told us buyer's guides for associations but I still had no idea what that entailed. During training they made sure to stress that you have 90 days of basically probation. They hinted that they wanted you to work long hours and it would pay off in the long run.

Well after training is when the work started. You have different projects which they say "there is no bad project!" but there is. My first association I worked "on behalf of" was challenging. Selling was hard but so far everyone was being really positive and seemed genuine when trying to help me learn to sell their product. After the first couple of weeks and a new project I was starting to get the hang of it. Then I realized that the web traffic we kept track of for the businesses that bought ad space was completely bogus!!! Nobody is using these buyers guides! NOBODY. I had the chance to work on a few different associations' buyers guides and I admit some traffic was better than others but none of it was good. Trust me... Nobody is using these buyer's guides. Do not waste your money and god forbid do NOT spend $5000 on the banner space!

When I questioned the team leads about the traffic they flat out told me to lie and use the "robot" traffic. Great morals this company has...

I immediately began my search for a new job.

You also have to make a minimum of 80 calls, talk 200 minutes and sell at least $750 a day. Otherwise they are threatening your job (not outright, but it is obvious).

This is easy for some and hard for others. Also they really stress you have to work through lunch and stay late to meet the quotas. Well some people had kids that I worked with and they had to leave and couldn't stay. The management had a "kids are no excuse mentality".

This is a terrible place to work and do business with.

Do NOT fall into their trap!

Company: Multiview
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 9724027070
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I worked for Multiview, the company is a SCAM. They STEAL $ from people Irving

You are better off burning money literally, you will not get one hit from Multiview

A waste of your advertising dollars

What You Should Know Before Working At Multiview: Former Employee Tells All Multiview Employment, Multiview Zombies, Multiview Sales, Multiview Sales Professionals, Smile and Dial

You will not get any traffic, sales or ROI from a Multiview "ad". You have been warned

Seam Marketing
Security blvd

Mislead advertisers

Maxwell Marketing
Ripoff waste of time unless you like to sell pencils, lies, lame

Waste of money, do not spend with these idiots

Do not buy ads from a company that has to call you