What You Should Know Before Working At Multiview: Former Employee Tells All Multiview Employment, Multiview Zombies, Multiview Sales, Multiview Sales Professionals, Smile and Dial


I worked at Multiview for about a month then quit. Training at Multiview is 8 days but really should be cut down to about 3 since they focus very little on the actual job and very much so on their TMS system and what the associations are in general. You will spend about 3 days out of the 8 being put on the spot and insulted if your sales pitch isn't up to their standards, even though they have taught you nothing about how to actually sell the buyers guide. Multiview sells online buyers guides to members within associations. They will tell you in the interview that these are actual leads, which is a lie. Multiview pays these associations money so that their employees can cold call their members. Multiview will give you cold leads, and act like you can make tons of money, which is also a lie.

Multiview hires vulnerable young kids straight out of college so that they can mold them into blinded cold calling telemarketers with four year degrees.

Multiview cares little about helping out the businesses they call and focuses solely on the amount of phone calls made and minutes on the phone. They give you leads that have been worked to death then expect you to make 80 calls a day with 200 minutes. Regardless of how many sales you have had the day before, how many times you have called each cold lead, and how many answering machines you have received, Multiview expects you to get in your 200 minutes at any cost! As quoted my former team lead: "get those 200 minutes at any cost!"

The pressures on for the team leads since Multiview sold out to Wall Street they must maintain unrealistic sales goals to make the guy in the dark suites and ties even richer.

The Multiview Mentality:

-Allow the employees to wear what they want
-Allow the employees to drink free sodas
-Play annoyingly loud music to distract them from questioning why they are working here
-Pretend like the employees walking around are not stoned silly and make jokes about it

So that we can:

-Brainwash them into believing that this company is the best out there
-Grill them constantly on getting their 200 minutes and 80 calls but then pretend like they are not really telemarketers
-Casually promote alcohol and drug use such as cocaine since "energy creates sales!" "Smile and dial!"

Multiview will tell you that your workday is 730am-430pm but will expect you to stay later everyday until the company hits their nearly impossible sales goal. Oh wait unless you have a kid you have to pick up, then you are excused. But wait, since most people they hire are young and don't, they know you don't have an excuse, since your life is Multiview now. Your team lead will try and make you feel bad if you do not stay later than 430pm (sometimes even until 6pm!) by thanking the brownnosers that have stayed late and making you feel like crap.

Multiview picks favorites and puts those down whom which do not fit within the "Multiview mold." Fake smiles and conformity is their specialty. If you are happy about spending 40k on a college degree so that you can spend 9 hours a day on a phone being grilled by your team lead, insulted by your team mates for having your own brain, and given no freedom from the ridiculous micro management, then Multiview is the place for you!

Company: Multiview
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Irving
Address: 7701 Las Colinas Ridge, Ste. 800
Phone: 9724027008
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Multiview is basically a misleading robbery scheme

You are better off burning money literally, you will not get one hit from Multiview

Dishonest practices and unethical behavior selling fake ads

MultiView Inc
MultiView Bottom Feeder College Grads with Cocaine and Alcohol Problems

I worked for Multiview, the company is a SCAM. They STEAL $ from people Irving

Dan Maitland Firm sells bogus ads that will result in you losing money

Multiview, Inc
Multiview Scam Alert

I was an employee at Multiview, I could not handle scamming customers anymore

Complete waste of ad dollars, they do not respect the do not call list

Buying an ad with Multiview is like buying a Billboard in someones backyard, NOBODY WILL SEE IT