Medical Payment Data
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Company: Medical Payment Data
Country: USA
State: Utah
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American Bankers Life Assurance Company Of Florida
Paper work was sent in near last may payment was due the 20th june still have processed payment or recontacted dr. To get my medical so payment could be payed by them


Health jCoverageDirect Medical Solutions, Inc
Was presented as health coverage, but is really a discount program

Minimax Consulting
Medical Data

NOrth Medical Ultrasound
Fraud. Received payment and never delivered or returned payment. Ripoff

Sanford Brown Institiute Iselin
Worst School

Pathway Medical Group, INC
Consumer Report

Medical Assistant Schools, Medical Assistant Training
This site is so great that is ruined my life! Aaarrrrgh! Kansas City Kansas

Medical Payment Data
Credit listing

Empire Medical Training
Fraud: Constentino and Mr. Bill