Adding extra (hidden) charges


Yesterday I had been trying to find target labels and discovered this website. I thought it appeared as if a good deal. They'd brands for sale for $1.99, and that I chose to buy a mouse mat aswell. They provided free "sticky notes, " and so I closed on for that. Luckily, before I offered them any charge card data, I discovered they'd instantly billed me $5.99 for every of my two target label purchases. The "free" sticky notes were not therefore free in the end. I instantly stopped the purchase and will not be coping with them later on. Thereis something very bad happening there. Should you purchase from their store, be really careful concerning the costs. I still cannot observe how two-dollar brands abruptly leaped $4 in cost within a few minutes. Does not hit me as some kind of technological glitch both. A lot more like a FRAUD.

Company: VistaPrint
Country: USA
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RBS Netherlan GA /
Fraudulent Charges

Vistaprint - Evergreen Alliance
Ripoff Fraudulent Credit Card Charges

Vistaprint - Businessmax
Recurring charges, mystery company charges
Unauthorized charge

Deceptively signs you up for a membership to BusinessMax

MWI BUSINESSMAX (aka) VistaPrint
Ripoff fradulent monthly charges to my credit card

McDowell Label
Prints faulty labels
Although, they advertise 500 business cards for 9.99 and sometimes for free, you will end up having to pay shipping and handling costs
Credit card scam victim

Sticky buddy
Sticky buddy tried to charge me extra, but i fixed my order, but still jipped