Stay Away From This Company!


I am a former employee of Bluegreen Resorts. STAY AWAY FROM THIS COMPANY!!!

After the mass layoffs in November, we were repeatedly told that we were the lucky ones. The best of the best. At first it felt great, but then the praise began to fade. This was Bluegreen's way of lying to their employees just like they lie to their customers.

After the layoff, our hours were cut way down. I understand and agree with that, to a point. Our hours were cut so low that many of us were in danger of loosing our insurance.

The director Phil Hicks came up with another plan/scheme to reduce our hours even more. We typically do up to 3 waves or rounds of tours a day (9:00,12:00, and 3:00). He was going to make all the sales reps clock out after each wave and then clock back in before it the next one started. Word spread to the sales reps, and one of the managers overheard a group of them discussing the proposed timeclock changes being illegal. The manager ran to the director and let him know about the conversation. All the offending reps were called into the director's office and were yelled at in a degrading, condescending, and humiliating manner. One of the reps told Phil, "for the last time..., my husband never spoke to me in that manner, and neither will you." Dallas Smith, the sales manager, was in the room, and she said absolutely nothing. The director has done this to many employees, especially women. No one chose to report any of his rampages to the corporate office because they were afraid of loosing their job. Since so many people have left the company his humiliating beratings will get back to the corporate. They are already common knowledge at the Gatlinburg and Sevierville preview centers.

The 2 sales managers who report to the director are no better. They talk to us in a patronizing manner when we ask for any time off, even if it is a death in the family. Dallas Smith and Ute Over degrade many of the employees because they do not keep the tours at the table and emotionally beat them to death until they decided to buy. Many buy just to get the hell out of there. Sometimes people for their own reason do not want to buy. The sales managers will tell guests that the maintenance fees rarely go up, and if they do it is not by very much. They go up every year from $40.00 to over $100.00. Bluegreen does not give people who decide to purchase a copy of the purchase proposal (which is the only document that lists the current maintenance fee.) Some buyers are not even aware that there is a maintenance fee.

There is so much more that can be said about this company. Ask any current or former employees how they are treated by Phil, Dallas, and Ute, and you will see why you need to stay far away from this failing company.

Company: Bluegreen
Country: USA
State: Tennessee
City: Sevierville
Address: 1444 Hurley Drive
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