Bluegreen Resorts, Shenandoah Crossing
Misrepresented Bluegreen to get big bucks from me and other parties

Traveling & Tourism

Bluegreen Resorts uses sales reps who vastly misrepresent the time share packages sold by Bluegreen Resorts. It is a big con game where they tempt you to come into their resort with "4 free airline tickets" and other gifts. They ask that you spend one and one half hours to listen to a presentation on their time share packages. This presentation ends up taking about 7 hours, and these rude idiots do not even want you to leave to get lunch. They know that once you leave, the odds are slim that you will come back.

I was about to agree to pay $48,000 for a specified number of units in this resort package. When I asked for a copy of their terms and conditions to review before the actual closing date, their senior manager said that it was "illegal" and against Bluegreen corporate policy for them to provide me with these documents.

I told him that I disagreed, and it was only common business practice to do so. He refused. They then pressured my girlfriend and I to buy a partial share which would allow us to "give it a try". This small purchase was $895. I told these idiots that I could cancel any contract within several days due to my legal right to rescind in Virginia.

As they really pressure all potential buyers into purchasing "now", and will not allow us to leave and come back the next day to purchase, alot of people are "suckered" into forking over alot of money... All because these reps falsely advertise what these time shares really are.

I went online after I left that pressure-cooker of a sales office, and found that there are many unhappy buyers of Bluegreen timeshares, and that Bluegreen does not even attempt to rectify the problems and do "what is right". I found that many vacation spots are impossible to book, even 11 months in advance. The reps wrongly told us that we could easily book merely days in advance at any of these resorts... Liars!

So, I called Bluegreen the very next day and told the sales rep that I wanted to rescind the agreement, and expected an immediate refund of my $895. The first rep said "no problem", but she wanted me to email or send a written notice. The second more senior rep told me "Bluegreen probably will not refund the $895, and that if they did it would take 45 days". I told him that he better not play this game with me, as I have the money and time to fight back and bite very very hard.

I will be sending a 2 page legal notice tomorrow stating my cancellation, demanding an immediate credit, and strong legal action if he wants to take me on... Idiots! I have never lost a court case in my life... So, they better beware. I am a purring kitten which can turn into a blood thirsty tiger with huge fangs. Bluegreen better watch their next step very carefully with me!

I hope that somehow a class action lawsuit can be filed to help all the victims of this ruthless scam... Any lawyers out there care to take this one on?

Lets ban together to bring this rip off to an end!

Company: Bluegreen Resorts, Shenandoah Crossing
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Boca Raton
Address: 4960 Conference Way
Phone: 5408329583
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BlueGreen BlueGreen Vacation Club Bluegreen
Aka rci big cedar lodge, bluegreen resorts, bluegreen inc, bluegreen vacation club, ect bluegreen lawsuit

Bluegreen Resorts
Bluegreen resorts is not everything it claims to be

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Bluegreen Vacation Club
Ripoff Promised Great Things!

Bluegreen Resorts
Scam and rip off!

Bluegreen Resorts
Good company

Bluegreen Resort Timeshare Rip Off
Take Money for Vacation, But not when and where you want to go

Bluegreen Vacation Club
Used deception, lies, and mis-lead us during the sales pitch