Scott Hansen Manager Of Crest Mobile Manor


Crest Mobile Manor under the management of Scott Hansen is discriminating against females and old poeple. He has stop residents from having guest come to stay with them along with have there cars towed away to get kick back from the towing company, Scott Hansen discriminate against Blacks and tryies in every way to keep them out of the Mobile Park, at this time there are only 2 Black family living there.

He is in violation of many civil rights laws and for some reason the owner Mr. Richard Worley allows him to act with a free hand. I am a older White Woman who has been at the hands of Mr. Hansen harassment and who like others live in fear at Crest Mobile of being put out if we say any thing agianst the management! We need help from someone in a high office to do something about this matter.

Company: Scott Hansen Manager Of Crest Mobile Manor
Country: USA
State: California
City: Pomona
Address: 3727 Equation Rd
Phone: 9095935031
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