Premium Distributing Center
Recently learned from our lease provider that this company is bogus and will con you to buy toners!


This company called our office saying that there has been a price change on our copier's ink toner and that the toner has been shipped on our behalf under the old price. At the time of the call, we have just used our last supply of toner and have asked someone to place an order to replenish us. Imagine our surprise when we received 1 toner, and days after, an invoice for $487.29. I have attempted to call this company numerous times over the following days to no avail. My calls just keeps going to voice mail.

Recently, a Rick Miller from the company returned my call but I was unavailable. I returned his call as soon as I got the chance but got the voice mail again. At the time of the writing of this complaint, Rick Miller called again and said that he will fax me a Return Order form. That is yet to happen.

Our equipment vendor have confirmed that they have gotten several inquiries regarding this company and that they acknowledge that this is a bogus company out to "pirate" business out from our vendor.

Company: Premium Distributing Center
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los Angeles
Address: 8033 Sunset Boulevard
Phone: 8887911300
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Premium Distributing Center
PDC Copy machine toner ripoff. Watch out for Premium Distributing Cente

Premium DIstributing Center

Supply Distribution & Information Network
Is a toner pirate out to defraud and con unsuspecting small businesses ripoff

Premium Distributing Center, PDC
Premium Distributing Center, PDC This is to serve as a complaint of fraud against Premium Distributing Center

Modern Distributing Systems
Fraudulent Toner Sales

Direct Supply Depot
Toner Cartridges $400 for one

Premium Distributing Center
Overpriced copier toner cartridge

Copier Customer Service
Ripoff Copier toner phone scam

Interstate Distribution Center
Ripoff, toner, distributing

Big Ripoff! Dishonest, tricky, Fraud!