Country Wide Home Loans
Hoped Than Dropped Like Nothing! YET Our Info Was Stolen! Yes we can help, last, minute - no we CAN'T, no chances, no bother, just give back the house!


Well this started about a year ago. Called up country wide to get help like it had said on the news!!! Looked hopeful but it was not. Just alot of running around and alot of lies.

They had told us YES we can help fax all paper work. So we did like they said. We were asking to modify our home loan. YES we can do it!!! - we heard it alot. This loan is going to be dueable. Right up to the last weeks of our foreclosure they (countrywide) asked us to fax over more paperwork so we did.

One lady calls my husband and tells him they never received the paper work so if you want to keep your house you better send $8,000 plus dollars to us by Friday (this phone call took place on Tuesday). Also the last couple of months we wanted to send payment and they said wait till we get the loan modified.

To me and my family we feel we got riped off. Because of the size of the home they wanted it. Also we tried to sell this home in September and because the builder did not fix the beam in the garage and there was defects in the home and mold (brand new home). We could not sell it.

Since than we have moved 3 times because of all the foreclosures. Owners are just letting their homes go. I am tired really tired. Is this the American dream because it is falling apart.

I would like to know how can lenders live with themselves being greedy and lieing all the time even some of the builders that did a lousy job on building homes. I would like to know if there is a class action suit going on.!!

Like the saying says GOD BLESS AMERICA through all this. We all need it!!

Company: Country Wide Home Loans
Country: USA
State: California
City: Simi Valley
Address: 400 Countrywide Way
Phone: 8055205100
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