Countrywide Home Loans
Countrywide decieves home owners on loan modifications to steal their homes

Business & Finance

Since november I have been in the process of trying to get a loan modification. Every time I fax the info needed I wait to hear from them and than get one phone call and the next day in the mail a letter of intent to forclose. They have told me not to send payments, when I try and reach a person assigned to my case I get their voicemail leave a message and never recieve a call back.

I have had to submitt my papers to the workout department six times now because of there mistakes. Whenever I talk to anybody they have no documentation of my phone calls ect. And I have to start the process again. This is insane I feel they are lying and trying to steal my home. The last time I sent in paperwork was september and I have called several times and am told they are still reveiwing it. Why woul they take this long and refuse to take any money? Every employee you speak with has told me a different story.

Please help I just want to be able to keep my home! What they are doing should be illeagal. My daughters modification took a total of 28 days and I have been doing this for a year. I can't believe a company this big can get away with what they are doing to people who just want to save their homes thay just need help. They tell you the last thing they want to do is foreclose, than why won't they work with people?

I'm at my wits end on what to do. I'm so tired of their runaround isn't there any agency's that can help or stop this. Please Help Me

Company: Countrywide Home Loans
Country: USA
State: California
City: Simi Valley
Address: P.o. box 5170
Phone: 8006696607
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