Countrywide Home Loans
Ripoff Working class folks getting the short end of the stick AGAIN

Business & Finance

I have read so many of these stories that it sickens me. I am however releived to know that I am not the only one. We bought our home in September. My wife and 2 children love it. We bought at the right time too.

I have had some difficult times as my wage is based on a commission. I normally hit a fairly high number and we are fine, provided all goes well. Unfortunately it has not for the past few months. My wife had surgery to remove her galblader, followed by me having to have my ear drum re-built, then our son got sick.

We called Countrywide and let them know the situation and that we needed to get the matter straight as we did not want ot be in any jeporday of loosing our home or hurting our credit rating. The refered us to the "Work Out" program; they really should call it the "Work Down" program. I have never felt more like a loser than when I talked to the rep for the first and last time. He told me what I needed to do, paper work and all. I did so and never once heard back from him. I left several voice mails after a week went by and still nothing. Finally he called me back to inform me that he had closed the file due to inacivity, I plead with him about leaving the messages and he said it was not direct contact and he would not re-open the file. I had to start all over.By now our house payment is 2 mths behind. I called customer services and asked to inform them I was sending my payment. I was then advised that if it was only the one payment and not the total amount past due they would send my payment back.

Needless to say, I did not have that amount in my bank account. I started the process over again (the work out process) I was optomistic this time. I sent all the paperwork, AGAIN. I could only get a voice mail of the rep assigned to our loan. I thought, here we go again.By now my mortgage is yet another month behind. The next phone call I received was not from Country Wide but instead from the sheriffs office. They had papers for me.

My wife and I are both hard working individuals in presuit of the American Dream and thanks to Country Wide it has turned into the "American Nightmare" We are still fighting for all it is worth as we want to keep our home. Both my wife and I have spent countless hours on the phone and faxing materials to Country Wide all for NOT.

Please tell me that there is somebody out there that sees these postings and is prepared to do something about this situation. This company makes it very clear to its customers that they are the GIANT and we are no more than ants, when they say BOO we are to all run scared. I am tired of running and am not prepared for the public embarasment of loosing my home.

Company: Countrywide Home Loans
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
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