Miller/Google Pro / Erika Miller / Google Pro Bait and Switch


I should have used your service before I went on this web site. Now I too have gotten taken. I received an e-mail from a lady in church that showed a christian lady discussing how she had made extra money at home and used this web site. I wanted to stay at home but still contribute to our income so I decided to check it out. I only cost $1.99 (or so I thought).

I went on the site, never saw any fine print for any additional charges or anything that would make me leary of the site, so I went through with the $1.99 transaction. Well 4 days later I was charged with a $. 03 foreign transaction fee, $. 18 foreign transaction fee and $18.77 for GooglePro which I never ordered. Realizing these charges were not authorized, I never used the password or went back on the website I was provided by e-mail. I called the bank, informed them of the unauthorized charges, and got the charge credited back to my account. Two weeks later, I was charged $94.60 by this same company. This charge was not authorized either. I have again had to go to the bank in order to get this amount credited back to my account. When I called the number to the company to get these charges stopped, I was told I had to contact the billing department by e-mail only. I spoke to Denise who informed me that she was not authorized to refund these charges, only the billing department could do that.

I informed Denise, I was filing this report and would recommend this complaint website to all my friends and family to read before ever using any internet company.

I got taken and that is something not easily done. I guarantee that it won't happen again. I will never do anything else without first looking at this report to see if there are any complaints on the company.

Company: Miller/Google Pro
Country: USA
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