Bank Of America
Rip Off overdraft charges Mancheste


So my family and I live on one income right now with 4 children. We have been getting 5 overdraft charges every week for the past few months. It is the typical reasons of the 1999 class action suite that they settled for not admitting guilt.
I will use my account on the weekend for groceries or gas and come monday I am in the red.
Here is an example. I will buy a coffee at starbucks for 5.00 on thursday then go food shopping for 100. Friday maybe get gas for 30.00. While the weekend comes and I have some bills coming out saturday. Those clear while the 5.00,30.00 and groceries still pend come sunday night. If I have something come out for monday that may make my account go over the limit I still have 5,30, 100 pending. They will have the big transaction that happened on monday come out making it over drawn and then assess $35 charges on the 5,30 and 100 dollar items when they happend the week prior. Is there anything I can do? I would expect to get one OD fee not 4 at that point. I know I am at fault for that last item on monday but how can I be charged for the others that happened the week prior?
I have been having simular things happen over the last year.
I did find a class action suite from 1999 that they settled for 9million for this exact reason. We live on one income right now and I have 4 kids to feed so paying 175.00 per week on bank fees I cant pay other things. I expect to pay maybe one if one item will bring it OD. These items pending should clear for the times and dates even if it weekend just on monday put them in assending order.

Company: Bank Of America
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 8008414000
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